Sprzęt teatr i scena - EST Stage Technology, a.s.

Profil spółki

Technologia teatralna i sceny

Produkcja maszynowa

System sterowania

Banket hall and Art Cafe

Banket hall
steel structures for fixing of mechanical equipment
power ceiling
batten bars

oval raised beam
soffit hoists
lighting bars
traveler curtain
theatre tracks
sound equipment suspension system

control system - iTEMS / SIL3
control consoles
set-up control panel

stage lighting
sound system
video system

Art Cafe
power ceiling
stationary batten bars
traveler curtain
sound equipment suspension system

control system - iTEMS / SIL3
control pаnel

stage lighting
sound system
video system

2016 Art Palace Surgut - Banket hall and Art Cafe